Tuesday, October 18, 2011

teacher girl



This is what I wore yesterday to do my Uni Presentation of Doooooom. It was okay, the tutor said I passed which is all I really care about. YAY to not failing. Now I've just got three assessments left. One 3,000 word assignment, and two music assessments. For one of them I have to sing a whole bunch of songs while accompanying myself on piano, and the other I have to play drums and then xylophone. Slightly worried as I'm not a drummer or xylophonist, but I think I'll be alright. After that I have a whole month of FREEDOM ... until summer semester. Arghhh.


On another note, I quit my job! Hurray! I worked in a call centre giving out public transport information to stupid people. It was okay when I first started, but in the last few months I started to dread coming to work, days before I actually had to be there. I'm not sure why, because the majority of calls only last about 30 seconds. I guess it's because you're just sitting at the computer all day, where you can physically see on the clock in the bottom right hand corner how slow the time is going. Also I suppose it's because of those unnecessarily rude customers who treat you like shit, even though they are the ones who are calling for your services. And then I think to myself, "I can't believe people like this exist." And then afterwards I realise that they all live in Brisbane as well. Obnoxious arseholes who behave like dickheads towards total strangers. They live in Brisbane. So I guess that is also why I quit.

That turned into quite the rant, but I'm sure those of you who work in customer service will understand. I'm gonna try get a job teaching piano, which I used to do, and it was pretty fun. Also it's relevant to my degree, so that's a bonus.

Anyway! I hope you are having a good day and that you like cats. If you don't, LOOK AWAY NOW BECAUSE HERE ARE SOME PICS OF MY CATS ARRRRRRRRRRRRH

They love each other, really.



  1. you are so cute like a million buttons also I love your cats. What are their names?

  2. Yay for passing! Great outfit too I totes have similar shoes ;) xx

  3. Nawww kitties! Congrats on passing the assignment and quitting your job! Exciting times. I love love love your outfit, especially your blouse! xx

  4. Absolutely LOVE your blouse, i'm a sucker for peter pan collars and bows! And the colour of your blazer is gorgeous.
    Cute cute kitties. I want to steal!
    Congrats on passing to :-)

  5. Lovely outfit, very smart!
    I'm glad your presentation went well :)
    Arw your kitties are cute.
    Have a super duper Tuesday :)
    Ellie xx


    I got them at my haunted house job. It gets intense sometimes.

  7. That is one pretty and well put together outfit! and i bet you feel relieved having quit your job!

    xoxo mama wolf.
    p.s. that photo of your kitties fighting is amazing.

  8. Gah this outfit is so gorgeous! And your kitties are the most adorable things :3

  9. First of all thanks for your lovely comment! Your so sweet! And Second of all, your soooo sweet! I love your wee outfit, bet it helped calm your nerves, I hated uni presentations! Well done on the passing of it! And woo! for quitting a crappy job where no one appreciates you! Unfortunately horrible people live everywhere, Humans! Much prefer cats! And your white cat made me chuckle, just sat there, taking a swing! :) Hope you have fun with the drums and xylophone! Zoë x

  10. Holy crap those cats are fantastic! Especially the white one, what a badass. Totally understand the customer service rant, the general public are generally idiots. Loving the outfits as always :) x

  11. What a beautiful teacher outfit :) I love your shoes, make sme think about mine. Come and check my blog if you want too! :) Your cats are cute too !!



  12. I love cats! The hubby and I are thinking of getting one [or two] if I can convince him! Lol -- Yours are so cuuuute!

    xoxo, Blair


  13. Gorgeous outfit! haha - love the cat fight!

  14. I actually quite enjoyed hearing your little rant, I think people, myself included, really don't speak their minds enough (real life curse words included!) w/ annoyances like this. Sounds like a shit job & good for you for quitting, really sad people like that do exist all over. Sounds like you have really interesting classes at least & you look so so adorable, great tie on your top & oversized blazer, such a pretty color on you too!

  15. Hi there!

    I've just discovered your blog!! It's so cool!! And I love your outfit! :)

    I also use to wear bow as a necklaces! :)

    Besos from BARCELONA!


  16. Lately, I've been thinking about working in a call center but now that you just shared your experience I guess I just need to think twice about that!

    Anyway, you look super lovely and I have to say that I just love love love your hair color! It's amazing :)

  17. Love this outfit from head to toe! You look awesome :)

    And your cats are adorable, I'm a cat lover too! xx

  18. You're beautiful. Loving the entire outfit! <3

  19. I am having fits with my internet here! What I said before my browser failed me was.. Lady ma'am! you're so pretty! beautiful, really! I love your outfit, all of it; pretty pretty colors and details. I think I'd kill a man for that blazer! / What did you go to school for? That all sounds pretty neat, what you're doing :)

  20. haha also I agree with Lauren.. you are cute like a million buttons ^.^

  21. love ur outfit, especially the blazer!!
    so elegant:)
    ps, www.thefashionistaswardrobe.blogspot.com

  22. THIS OUTFIT!! i want all of it!

    the blazer might be my favorite just because i can never pull them off but the 3/4 length sleeve and the color is my favoriteeeee.

    it's nice to be cat-attacked in the middle of an outfit post, that last shot is priceless!

    so glad we found each other's blahgz <3

  23. I am such a sucker for: peter pan collars, neck ties and cats. You just so happened to incorporate all three in this post. SCORE! :D


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