Saturday, January 7, 2012

making jewellery

Look, I've actually done something productive these holidays! How strange! Mind you this was only an hour-long feat compared to the millions of hours spent playing Skyrim and The Sims, but I still feel as though I have done something worthwhile. I don't have many jewellery making skillz just yet, but I think I am getting better. I've never been really good at anything arty farty so I am quite pleased with these creations! Yay. There are other things that I want to learn how to do, including sewing and drawing, but jewellery making/beading is quite fun and I want to make more and more!

Thanks for saying nice things about my last post, I feel a bit silly about posting those pictures online as it was something I tried to hide for a long time (yeah I'm a poet). I asked my boyfriend if I should remove the photos and he said, "nooooooo don't be silly." So they will remain. I will just have to post a lot more than usual so that the photos get pushed to the next page, haha.

One last thing - today I won my first giveaway! Hurray! Thank you to Denise of Gray Lavender. I am soon to be the proud owner of some totally sexxxxy shapewear. Oh yeahhhh!


  1. Congratulations on the giveaway :) And your jewellery is really aweseome - the necklace especially reminds me of a similar one I have and love the style to bits. Where did you get the bits and pieces for making them? I'd like to have a go myself, but don't know where to start! x

  2. @Milly Thank you! I got the charms and beads of the necklace from eBay, and took the little birdies off a necklace that was falling apart. I also bought a jewellery making kit from a craft store to get me started, you should definitely give it a go!

  3. Congrats on the giveaway!
    That bracelet is really pretty:)
    Oh, and I spent my entire holiday playing Skyrim and the Sims too, its nice to know someone else did!

  4. Aw they are so pretty, awesome job! I love all the colours and the birds ^.^ I'm feeling inspired to do something cool and crafty now! xx

  5. @Kirsten Thanks! I'll have a look around, you've definitely inspired me! :)

  6. I love the swallow earrings! I wish I had of been playing the sims! Used to LOVE that! haha x

  7. I love the Sims! lol
    And the jewelry looks great!


  8. AWWW YEAH WIN THAT SHIT GIRL. These pieces are so pretty! I hardly ever wear jewelry besides rings or the occasional necklace. I feel bad for my mom since she always tries to buy me jewelry for xmas and I never wear it :C

    You should make an etsy shop and sell some things!

  9. Wow! Those pieces are so cute, love the bracelet! Also reading your last post was really informative, thanks :) xx

  10. Wow, you have some awesome hidden talent in that artsy thing :) the jewelry you made is really pretty! I think you should start drawing and sewing soon because I think you'll be amazing at it too!
    Good luck!

  11. these pieces are insanely amazing !! :) i especially love the swallow earrings, and the sims. i swear i've spent at least 6 months worth of my life on that game, what makes it so darn addictive? xoxo

  12. Oooh good job, these look awesome. I especially like the swallow earings.

  13. Wow, these look so professional! I love the bird earrings so much!

  14. Great work, it is beautiful to have that kind of talent. Kovely blog, if you want visit my blog and let me know if you want to follow and I will follow back.

  15. Oh Hurro, go you and your creativeness, wish I had some haha Im horrendous at anything arty farty. P.S. yes my bf does take my outfit shots....I answered on my blog post but I never know if anyone reads them or waits for me to answer on their blogs....anyway Im babbling now byeeee xx

  16. Well done Kirsten, these are stunning - I would have assumed that you'd brought them at some posh shop if you hadn't said.

  17. @Anja - I just found out that you can buy houses in Windhelm! OHHHHHH SO EXCITING.

    @Chantelle, thefabulousgypsy and Alannah - I can never get sick of playing the Sims! So much time, so little Sims to electrocute. because they have no handiness skills.

    @Lauren - I have been thinking about the Etsy thing! Will have to look into it. Dunno if good enough yet though!

    @Sarah - I always forget to check peoples' posts for replies! Fairly silly as I've started to reply to people in my comment section as well, haha.

    @Julia - aaawwww thank you!

  18. Your jewellery is gorgeous! And I have lost many hours to playing the Sims. Many, many hours.

  19. Your jewelry is inspiring me to craft again! I love earrings especially- those swallows are just perfect.

  20. love the first eaarrings so cute
    xx the cookies
    share the feeling
    visit <3

  21. ohhh the bracelet is SO cute! and I love the little birds! congrats on winning a giveaway :D

  22. Ooo, these bits look gorgeous, you could set up a shop! :-D. I'm horrendous at anything arty apart from sewing! I can not draw to save my life, stickmen are even a struggle for me. xx

    1. Haha I have no artistic skillz either, don't worry! I can't draw stickmen either!

  23. Wooow you made that jewelry yourself?! That is completely amazing, I wish I could do something like that. And congrats on winning the giveaway! x

  24. YEAH SEXXXXY SHAPEWEAR! :-D Good for you that you didn't remove those pictures, you shouldn't feel ashamed or selfconscious about them. It's only skin, in the end of the day. Gorgeous jewellery, I love the bracelet and the birdie-earrings especially, would totally buy them!

    1. We're TWINS with our SHAPEWEAR and stuff! Thank youuuuu! I don't feel self-conscious about my skin anymore, but those photos make me CRINNNNGE.

  25. Hey, sweet girl! I nominated you for the "Liebster" blog award! You well deserve it! See it on my blog post today! :)
    Good luck!

  26. The bracelet is gorgeous, you should deffs sell them!


  27. I love the braclets! So creative girl! x

  28. Wow they look great! I've never even tried to make jewellery because it looks way too hard for me - I love those bird earrings xx

    1. If I can make them then ANYONE can. I have the artistic skills of a carrot. I wore the bird earrings today and they didn't break. YAY.

  29. I heart the pretty sparrow earrings and bracelet! Great job!

    Also, don't even worry about having posted those pictures. That took guts and I think we all applaud you for doing so. You made it easier to relate to for most girls.

    Congrats on your win!

  30. Replies
    1. Haha it's not very neat up close, but thank you anyway! :D

  31. I love those earrings! Making jewelry is so much fun. Partially because I can watch TV while doing it. Or maybe that's just me. but yeah!

  32. These are so cute! I've been making some beads with polymer clay.. how crafty. Haha. x


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