Wednesday, January 11, 2012

currumbin sanctuary

I went to Currumbin Sanctuary on the Gold Coast today and made some kangaroo and koala friends. I did not make friends with any emus, and you will see the reason for this in a minute. I have been meaning to go there for aaaaaages, we used to go all the time when I was a little kid. I have fond memories of my sandwiches being stolen by various animals. It has dawned on me now that Currumbin Sanctuary would have made an awesome background for outfit photos, but alas, I found the 35° heat to be unbearable and all I could manage was jeans and a shirt. Does anybody else hate hot weather? I sure diddly do.

But anyway, here is the reason I did not forge a friendship with this emu. It tried to shit on me and I ran away.

I will leave you with that incredibly moving and thought-provoking image. Farewell!


  1. haha the last gif really made me smile :)

  2. Aw- how cute! Looks like a fun time :) That gif is pretty awesome, by the way. Haha

    xo, Samantha

  3. Lovely pics! Naww how cute are those roo's!?
    Today (or yesterday :p) was soooo hot! It's still warm now and it's 1:47 am! No relief! *sighs* You look gorgeous in a tee and jeans :) Love the gif, so cute and trippy!xx

  4. 35 degrees you mean Celsius, right? Because it's 42 degrees F here and it's kind of cold! lol You're in summer right now down there aren't you? How strange to be in January and summer time. I forget that things are the opposite on the other side of the equator.
    Anyway, the kangaroos are so cute!


    (P.S.- Check out my latest blog, dear lady, as you have been tagged.)

    1. Haha yep, it is stupidly hot summer here. Grooooooss. Thank you for the award on your blog, you're so nice!

  5. That looks like so much fun! Its cold here atm but I can never handle really hot weather! x

  6. Ah how I dream of such warm weather. At that heat I am suprised you are wearing jeans, I think I would be melting!

    Those Koalas are mega cute!

    1. I'm only wearing jeans because I didn't want to get all sunburnt, and couldn't be bothered putting sunscreen on my legs haha. It was grooooooossssssly hot! And yes I want to take home a pet koala. :)

  7. Bahaha thats classic! I cant believe your wearing jeans in 35 degree heat - I'd die!
    P.S. Trademe is NZ's version of Ebay ;) xx

    1. I didn't want to get sunburnt legs! Haha. It was AWFUL, so sweaty and gross and yuck. You seem to get some really good things from Trademe!

  8. hahah love this post!! :)

    Very cute photos! xxxx

  9. how amazing is that? i would love to be so close to those animals :)


    1. It was amazing! I was squealing with joy the whole time. Like a crazy person.

  10. Hahahaha you crack me up. Emu's scare the shit out of me so I think your very brave to get that close.

    1. Hahaha they are a bit creepy aren't they? They never look friendly. And now they look a million times less friendly because ONE TRIED TO SHIT ON ME.

  11. LOL I'm so jealous. I want to play with some MARSUPIALS.

  12. Hahahaha that gif cracked me up! You're so adorable! x

  13. Ahaha, I'm laughing so much because of that gif! Your face is the best! :D
    That place looks amazing, I wish I could go there someday!

    1. I will take you there! And we can get almost shat on by emus together. Aaaw.

  14. LOL!! I hate emus. They scare me. Shitting on people emus seem to be worse!
    I love the cute kangas! And I'm jealous of your jeans and tee weather. Ugh, I just want it to warm up already.

  15. HAHA love the last picture! Seems like so much fun but would make me a little nervous too!

  16. What an amazing place! This seems incredible. And that emu looks scary. Haha.

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  17. Ha, the last image is fun!!! Emu looks like a harmless "little" birdie :P
    Good luck!

  18. Ohh wow, I'd love to go here!! Looks amazing, like otheres have said its horrid here, I cant be doing with that either xxx

  19. OMG, I'm so jealous that you were so close to kangaroos! Absolutely adorable! (:

  20. That emu looks really sad that yr leaving him. So sad that he couldn't control himself and did a little poo.
    Bowel-emptying aside, it looks like you had a really fun day. YAY FOR FUN! Glad that at least you managed to make some kanga friends.
    PS: Having your sandwiches stolen by various animals is pretty much an everyday occurence in Cardiff, so consider yrself lucky! Bloody seagulls...

    1. Hahaha poor Mr Emu with his bowel problems. I promise if I ever come to Cardiff I won't steal your sandwiches. :)

  21. What a walk down memory lane! I used to go to currumbin every school holidays when I was a child and my mum would make me pose with those big red kangaroos and I would shit myself that they were going to hind-leg kick me. Same goes for Emu's - they're vicious! Congrats on surviving that encounter! haha

    1. Haha it was fuuuunn! Those kangaroos are badass!

  22. Replies
    1. P.S I'm followin'. Your twitter link doesn't work, please can you tweet me so I can follow you? (@hiven)

    2. Thank you for letting me know! Forgot to change the links around when I changed twitter name. :)

  23. YOU ARE SO FUNNY AND ADORABLE!!!!!! I'm loving the 'image' you left me with! HAHA <3

    1. Hahaha thank you! I hope the image of me running away from a pooing emu leaves a lasting impression on you? Or something? Haha :)

  24. we haven't talked for a long time, i missed your long and funny comments, hope to keep in touch again.

    1. I'm sorryyyy! I have been so crap at commenting recently. Silly me. I will read over your posts in a second and find out what you've been up to!

  25. I'm so envious! I want to pet kangaroos! I'm sure they'd probably kick me or punch me or something, but I don't care! We have a wolf sanctuary around these parts that I've been meaning to go to for a long time. You get to camp outside with them! Well 'with' is probably more like in their general proximity, but it'd still be cool! Anyway, you've just reminded me of that, haha. Great photos! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Noooo they were so friendly! They were just sitting around being kangaroos, doing kangaroo things. I want to go to a wolf sanctuary! Take meee!

  26. How adorable! The kangaroos are adorable but I'd probably scared to go near one haha, love your blog, I'm now following :)

    xo Gillie

  27. Awhhh such adorable photos :) xx

  28. Hahaha that emu picture is hilarious, I definitely wouldn't be making friends with him either! The kangaroos look mega cute however, aww!

    Gillian x

  29. THAT EMU GIF IS BONKERS :D I replied to your question about my purple hair at my blog in the comments! :)

  30. They are amazing - I wish we had animals like that here in the UK!

  31. I wish we had animals and weather like this in the UK! Don't blame you for running away from the emu ;-). Definitely didn't get mesmerised and then sit for like 5 minutes watching the emu gif ;-) xx

  32. LOL at that emu, but awww koalas and kangaroos!

    But I hear that koalas are not as cuddly sweet as they seem hahaha, it's good you were able to make friends with them.


  33. Hahaha that last photo is amazing!

  34. oh my gosh! this is the cutest post! i love the kangaroos!
    and the gif is so cute too!
    awesome blog you have here!

  35. Omg that last gif, i died ahahahh.
    The kangaroos are so cute & i LOVE the koalas, i wish i'd met one in real life!!
    They are so adorableeee!!

  36. Oh man! I miss Australia and my memories of going to Australia Zoo, meeting some kangaroos and koalas and like you, running away from the incredibly intimidating shitting emus! Haha! I also met Steve Irwin and a terrifying snake :( I can't wait to move to Australia! But I will maybe move when it is winter so as to ease me into the deathly heat! I remember that heat! :) Here > Have some of this boltic Scottish winter air that is FRREEEEEZING! (I don't think it will get to you but the thought counts right?!!!) xxxx

    1. Are you moving to Australia? VISIT MEEEE! You're so lucky to have met Steve Irwin, I thought he was a cool dude. I would much prefer your Scottish winter to this stupid heat! Bleeughhh!

  37. haha at the last photo. Made my eyes go funny :)
    K x

  38. I love visiting places like this! And lol at the naughty emu x

  39. Hi! So I just stalked your blog, and I am in love with it. Creepy. Anyway, KANGAROOS. Oh, my gosh. They are so adorable. I am quite jealous that you got to play with them.

    1. Stalk away! I've been stalking you for ages! Haha :)

  40. Wow I am so so jealous, this place looks amazing! I've always wanted to see a kangaroo in person, let alone pet it. That last one if hilarious! Jeans are def my worst enemy in the heat but I know everyone's w/ that.

  41. awwhhh looks like such a fun day though! too bad about the emu :/
    jessie x
    the weekend project.

  42. just fell in love with your blog!i like it so much!its so beautiful,so inspired so everything! keep up what you are doing!also HAVE TO SAY how funny is your personal description!hahah,i totaly agree,cats and clothes my two bigger loves hahahahhaa..i FOLLOW you of course,i hope at some time you may follow back,but thats really not the subject!you really have one of the cutest blogs ive visited.
    many kisses from greece,
    xxx marianna :)

  43. Awww I love them!!! I got to feed some wallabies and kangaroos at the zoo a few months ago and they were sooo sweet :)

    Mabel Time

  44. Maaaan I want some Kangaroo friends!


  45. I need more Kirsten updates in my life.
    A picture of you eating cereal.
    One of you picking a wedgie.
    I don't care.

  46. Hey lovey,
    I do work at JE - it's great, I love it. I never really shopped there much before either but we've got some really cute stuff coming in.
    Thanks for the camera advice - better start saving my pennies!
    Hope all is well with you xo

  47. This one time I fed a 'roo and then it promptly threw up in my hand. Actually, I think it was a wallaby.

  48. oh my goodness how beautiful. i desperately want to visit Australia and especially since I have family there it makes me want to even more!

  49. Gorgeous and yay for koala and kangaroo friends! The gif with the emu is awesome, I find emu's awesome and creepy at the same time. I don't enjoy really scolding hot weather either, not fashion wise or comfortable wise.

  50. Wow! It looks like you had an amazing time too! I love going to see animals, so cute!

    I hate the heat also! Not so much of a problem in England though! xx


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