Tuesday, November 15, 2011

piratey goodness

Farewell, silly mole on my silly fase! I'm going to be walking around with a pirate scar next to my eye for a while. I will have to change every adjective I use to "swashbuckling" and continuously yell "YARRRR" at people during polite conversation. This also seems like an excellent reason to buy a parrot.

(PS - when I was little, the kids at school used to call me a "freckle fart from Kmart". I'm not sure what a freckle fart is, but I have never seen one for sale at Kmart. Can somebody please direct me to the freckle fart aisle? Thanks.)

(pps - now that I think about it, I'm actually really freaking out about this. eeeeep.)


  1. I think the mole is kind of cute but totally understand the decision to remove it! I know plenty of people who have done this too, so I'm sure it'll be a nice and quick procedure! Good luck :)

  2. I don't find your mole something bad! It's something pretty usual I guess. But I totaly understand why you wanna remove it. The best of lucks :D

  3. I have the mad huge moles in weird places....meh lol. Good luck for the removal, bye bye moley moley mole :P xx

  4. Best of luck hun, I'm sure you'll be fine!! Big hugs xx

  5. YES! We are now BOTH officially awesome! Enjoy it, I know I will ;)

  6. I laughed so hard at your post script! What a fantastic first post for me to read... I hope it all goes well. I have huge moles on my face too. Glad I stumbled on over here. I do enjoy your blog... especially the fact that you're from AUS!

    Have a great week :)

  7. I've never heard of "freckle fart' before, haha! Maybe they liked the alliteration! And good luck, though! I'm sure it will go just fine! :)

  8. Good luck, I hope it goes smoothly!! And omg, I totally heard 'freckle fart from kmart' in the playground in primary school haha! Brings back alot of memories (not all good haha!)

  9. WHY your mole is so cute. Is it malignant or something? SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN COMMENTING ON YOUR STUFF I WILL MAKE UP FOR IT ALL RIGHT NOW. <33333

  10. I know I am such a bad daughter ;n;

    Yeah, it's from a car crash that happened over a year ago and I'm being sued 1 mil per person plus other hospital expenses. It sucks.
    I wish I could dye my hair this color but I am afraid of losing my natural hair color from bleaching and plus a lot of jobs won't hire if you have unnatural hair colors. :C

    I am excited to hear the compositions! Do you have any microphones to record with? I think I've heard of a good mixing program, called Audacity? It's free.
    tell the boyfrand I said WHAZZUP? and we can only get married if it's ON TOP OF A MOUNTAIN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wq9krdMNJgE

  11. You're cute! Nice Blog!
    Love, Dilara from

  12. LOL I think i'm in love with you!!! Ahahah this picture is so cute! I'll try looking up the freckle fart aisle but I'm pretty sure they took it down after some lawsuit

  13. lol what a mean thing to say.. anyhow, you're very pretty! ^_^


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